Money Mastery - Master Plan

Master Plan it is a forecasting and planning program


Master Plan is unique among all financial software products because it is a forecasting and planning program, not just a historical tracking tool.

The software allows you to plan for your future, make changes to your plan and see, in real-time, how those changes will affect your overall financial picture. Nowhere else will you find a program that helps you develop a complete Master Plan including a Spending Plan, Debt Plan, Tax Plan and Retirement Plan.
Spending Module: Create Spending Plans that include historical spending information an d categories for spending that you create based on your priorities. Master Plan automatically calculates monthly totals to spend in each category, how much net income you have to spend each month, and shows when you are out of balance. Using the software's Spending Plan and then tracking your spending according to that plan you will find an extra $310 (on average) every month you

Time & Money, LLC
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